Análisis de los factores contextuales que llevaron a los jóvenes del sistema de responsabilidad penal para adolescentes de la modalidad intervención de apoyo del Centro de desarrollo a cometer abuso sexual en menores de 14 años
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Resumen en español
Los jóvenes que abusan sexualmente, están expuestos a factores contextuales que pueden tener una repercusión en su comportamiento, generalmente se encentran distantes de la familia, eluden responsabilidades o presentan una actitud negativa hacia otras personas o ellos mismos. En la ciudad de Armenia, se ha venido evidenciando el aumento en el ingreso de menores de 18 años sancionados por el delito de abuso sexual agravado o acceso carnal violento a menor de 14 años al Centro de Desarrollo como programa de intervención social lo que conlleva a la realización de un estudio que permita definir y analizar ese comportamiento. El presente trabajo de investigación se realiza desde una metodología cualitativa de tipo descriptiva, bajo un diseño de investigación fenomenológico en el que se observa temas investigativos que pueden ser sentimientos, emociones, razonamientos, visiones, percepciones, entre otros. La muestra fue de 9 jóvenes pertenecientes al sistema responsabilidad penal para adolescentes, y que se encuentran dentro del programa de intervención. La técnica de recolección de información fueron la entrevista semiestructurada.
Resumen en ingles
Young people who sexually abuse are exposed to contextual factors that can have an impact on their behavior, they are generally distant from the family, avoid responsibilities or have a negative attitude towards other people or themselves. In the city of Armenia, there has been evidence of an increase in the admission of minors under 18 years of age punished for the crime of aggravated sexual abuse or violent carnal access to minors under 14 years of age at the Development Center as a social intervention program, which It leads to the realization of a study that allows to define and analyze this behavior. The present research work is carried out from a qualitative methodology of a descriptive type, under a phenomenological research design in which investigative topics are observed that can be feelings, emotions, reasoning, visions, perceptions, among others. The sample consisted of 9 young people belonging to the criminal responsibility system for adolescents, and who are within the intervention program. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. The interpretation of the results is obtained through applied semi-structured interviews. According to this, 18 subcategories were found, which were classified into 5 categories such as: family relationships, sexuality, history of abuse, mental health and history of consumption, which allowed establishing an existing relationship between them. In conclusion, child sexual abuse is a problem that children and adolescents have always endured in all cultures and that has been denied or undervalued, due to the very circumstances in which it occurs. Generating mental and physical problems in them, leading to serious psychological disorders that affect the well-being and development of the victims.